Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Wedding hall...booked

We booked the wedding hall a few weeks ago actually, but finally i found a nice picture of the hall. Unfortunately i lost the blog link This is a picture of an aqiqah actually, baby throne done by Pak Abu.

For every wedding in my family, Alhamdulillah my father has manage to put money aside for all of us with an equal amount (hey is tanggungjawab of every Muslim father to provide for his children's wedding). Alhamdulillah for myself, i manage to find a hall + food that is only 1/3 the price of our family previous weddings but in my opinion is equally nice, meaning the rest of the budget i can use for all of my other expenses...

Today me and habib did the rough calculation, and I'm really glad that I do not have to touch my savings.....We had to sacrifice something though, so that's why we decided not to do. Walaubagaimanapun habib is still needs to use his savings to buy the rings, pay mas kahwin & wang hantaran and honeymoon (hehehe...what can i do, it's his duty to provide all this for me). I'm so glad I'm a muslim, i love how women are protected and very much spoilt by it, provided that we marry someone with Iman....

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