Monday, January 18, 2010

its ok....

Its ok, that I'm not having bunga pahar, because i'm not going to do tepung tawar...

its ok that I'm not going to have a second persalinan during my wedding, because i''m not going to have upacara potong cake...

It's ok that I'm not going to have live performance.

Its ok that I'm not going to have malam berinai, or majlis khatam Quran.

Its ok, that I want to invite so many people to my akad.

Its ok that I'm not doing my function in a house or a mosque,my house is too small, and and if the bride is menstruating masa time nak nikah, then how is she suppose to enter the mosque???? so the next option is to find a comfortable place for everyone...

It's ok that i'm not doing meja beradap, because I want to spend time with my guests as much as i can

Its ok that we berbalas-balas hantaran 5 to 5 and me not giving extra 2, guess what, its actually sunnah to berbalas-balas gifts among long as its serdehana and tidak membebankan anybody..... and tak salahkan nak bagi equal??

its ok that we don't have wang hantaran on the hantaran...

many readers have expressed opinions about my previous post, I know it has created some commotion..what I expressed can be misinterpreted..

I'm not trying to say that doing anything above is wrong...tak..I'm trying to explain that me not doing anything above, even though its against our tradition, but it's not against Islam.
I'm sorry if it hurts...I"m just so hurt, by people who are close to me who's been saying "sab, u buat wedding macam ni, memang tak tahanlah your marriage"...


I have nothing against anything, I have nothing against anything yg tak against agama..I'm not saying giving 20 hantaran is wrong, nor am I saying spending a lot of money for a wedding is wrong..or having bunga pahar is wrong..or having a wedding cake is wrong..tak salah......

its just a matter of preference...many disagree with my wedding concept..But i don't mind..i have specific things that i want..that i have dreamt of having for my wedding itu sahaja........

and why i mentioned about religion, is because many have implied to me, that my wedding concept, is against the concept of /wedding/marriage, whereas, our prophet SAW, has made weddings very simple for Muslims...I'm a person who is very passionate towards knowing more about the concept of Quran and Sunnah after learning about it a few years ago..I'm just trying to explain, our Rasulullah SAW, didn't have a majlis tepung tawar( to bless the pengantin) and yet he had a blessed marriage from Allah SWT .That is what i meant as a Quran & Sunnah compliace wedding...That we do the bare minimum, similar to how our Prophet SAW has done and still get Baraqah for the marriage, and please everyone that attends the majlis (and people at the majlis to not create any fitnah and understand that the pengantin choose to do a plain wedding and not follow our culture.....

I just want a plain but memorable and sweet wedding for myself...and to all out there, if whatever you want does not collide with our Religion, and the teachings of our Prophet SAW, than inshaAllah you will have a great wedding.....

Again, I apologise if i Hurt anybody, I'm just a hurt b2b expressing how I feel after having tons and tons of so many bad comments to about my akad concept...

I sincerely apologise if I sound a bit harsh, its not my intention..I didn't realise the previous post was soo aggressive..
p/s: It's my first time getting hate e-mails..I'm so scared... i decided to keep my blog anonymous...

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